Class Object

This is the base class, all the others are derived from this one (except the TrayArea). You don't use it directly (there in no a Create method).
This is the list of the nested objects and their methods.

COLORREF GetBackColor(void) Returns the background color
void SetBackColor(COLORREF c) Sets the background color
COLORREF GetFackColor(void) Returns the foreground color
void SetForeColor(COLORREF c) Sets the foreground color
void Get(char *name,int *size,int *style) Gets the name, the size and the style of the current font/td>
void Set(char *name,int size,int style) Sets the name, the size and the style of the current font. The style can be a combination of the allowed font styles
int PosX,PosY The x and y position of the point where the user clicked
int Button The button pressed
void Get(int *x,int *y) Gets the x and y position of the object
void Move(int x,int y,int width,int height) Moves the objects at the x and y coordinates changing the size
void Top(BOOL value) Moves the objects at the top (value=TRUE) or bottom (value=FALSE [*]) of the Z order of the windows
void Set(int x,int y) Moves the objects at the x and y coordinates
void Get(int *width,int *height) Gets the width and height of the object
void Set(int width,int height) Sets the width and height of the object
void Get(char *s) Gets the tag (a string value) of the object
void Set(char *s) Sets the tag (a string value) of the object
int Get(char *s,int n) Gets the text of the object, for a maximun of n characters. Returns the lenght of the string
int Length(void) Returns the lenght of the text of the object,if it is a multi line object it returns the lenght of the first one
int Length(int r) Returns the lenght of the text of the object at the line r (index starting from zero)
void MaxLength(int n) Sets the max lenght of the text of a control to n characters
void Set(char *s) Sets the text of a control
void Trim(void) Removes the blanks at the beginning and at the end of the text of a control [*]
void Set(char *s) Set the text for the tooltip (the little yellow description that popups when the user puts the cursor on a tool and leaves it there for approximately one-half second) of the control

[*]Not still developed

Methods of the class

int GetId(void) Returns the id of the control (specified in the Creation method)
HWND GetHandle(void) Returns the handle of the control
void Show(int value) Changes the visualization of the control. Read the styles for the values
void Close(void) Destroyes the control
void Enable(BOOL value) Enables (value=TRUE) or disable (value=FALSE) the control
void Focus(void) Set the input focus at the control
void Timer(BOOL op,int id,int time) If op=TRUE starts a timer with identifier id and interval time (milliseconds)

Events of the class

void OnChange(void) Fired when there is a change in the control
void OnClose(void) Fired when the control is closing
void OnCommand(int id) Fired when there is an action of the user with identifier id
void OnCreate(void) Fired when the object is created
void OnDelete(void) Fired when the object is freeing its data
void OnDestroy(void) Fired when the object is destroying
void OnFocusIn(void) Fired when the object gets the focus
void OnFocusOut(void) Fired when the object has lost the focus
void OnMenuClick(int id) Fired when the user clicks an item (with identifier id) in the menu of the control
void OnMouseDblClick(void) Fired when the user double clicks in the control
void OnMouseDown(void) Fired when the user presses a mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a control
void OnMouseMove(void) Fired when the user move the mouse over the client area of a control
void OnMouseUp(void) Fired when the user releases a mouse button while the cursor is in the client area of a control
void Size(void) Fired when the control changes its size
void OnTimer(int id) Fired after each interval specified in the Timer method with identifier id