The objective of my thesis has been the realization of an application
for X Window which allowed:
I graduated with 106/110.
XShare is a new program for X Window for sharing applications and
recording actions. You don't need any special hardware or software,
only the standard X11R5 or X11R6 distribution.
What can I do with XShare ?
You can share applications between remote users: there is a
sender who runs XShare and then from it he recalls other
applications, and there are receivers who see the same
sender's windows on their displays. Sender can leave the control
of these programs to the receivers, and the remote users can use
them as the applications are running on their hosts.
This is useful for teleteaching on software, and to create little demo or lessons.
What I need to run XShare ?
You don't need any special software or hardware to run XShare, because:
Which platforms XShare supports ?
XShare was developed on Linux and AIX, but it's portable on every X Window System.
Last update: 28 December 2001