How to reach Turin
Torino Caselle is the airport of Turin, and it's 16 km far from the city.
You can easily reach it by a main road or by Turin's ring road.
From airport to Turin
It's simple to reach the centre of Turin by bus: in only 40 minutes a bus
(from early morning until midnight) connects the airport with the city.
Go to the terminal at the Arrivals level, and take the bus which you'll take
you to Porta Nuova railway station.
Near the bus' terminal you'll find the taxi rank.
Dora Station is connected with the airport by a train with a trip of 20 minutes.
Trains leave the airport every half an hour, from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The most important stations of Turin are: Porta Nuova, Porta Susa, Lingotto
and Stazione Dora.
From the stations there are public transports, which allow you to reach the
centre of the city easily and cheaply.
Turin is connected with Milan, Genova and most European cities by motorways
and tunnels.