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Sestiere Cannaregio

This sestiere is situated in the northern and western part of Venice; here there is the rail way station of Santa Lucia, the Strada Nuova (a road realized in 1871 to join the station and Rialto) and the Ghetto, the Hebrew quarter.

Palazzo Labia
It is one of most opulent Venetian houses of the 17th century. Here there are some works of Tiepolo.

Palazzo Vandremin Calergi
Built in 15th century, it is now the Casinò winter site.

Cà d'Oro
Built from 1422 to 1440 by Raverti and Bon, it is rich of white marbles and, a while ago, was covered by gold plating. Now it is the site of a wide collection of works of Mantegna, Vivarini, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Van Eyck.

Venice's government decided to closet the Hebrew in this quarter, from 1516 to 1797. You can notice the highness of the buildings, due to the growing number of people. They couldn't expand in width, so they continuously added some floors to the existing buildings. The buildings with a cupola on the top are the Sinagoghe, and the oldest are the Scuola Grande Tedesca, the Scuola Canton and the Scuola Italiana; they were not only religious buildings but also schools. The most sumptuous is the Scuola Levantina.

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