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Sestiere Dorsoduro

This sestiere is include between S. Polo and S. Croce's sestieri in the northern part, and Giudecca mill run in the southern side.
The western side of Dorsoduro is one of University site, and it's full of activities and animation. The eastern site is now one of the Venice's areas most requested for people to live, full of cultural and artistic events.

Accademia Gallery
Here there is the most important collection of Venetian painting. You can find paintings of Bellini, Lotto, Veronese, Tintoretto, Tiziano.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection
This modern art collection is in Palazzo Vernier dei Leoni, which was the house of Peggy Guggenheim for 30 years. There are works of Mondrian, Klee, Balla and Severini, Ernst, Mirò, De Chirico and Picasso.

S. Maria della Salute
It's the masterpiece of Baldassarre Longhena, built from 1631 and 1687. Its holy day is on 21 of November, when from S. Marco begins a religious gathering that gets the church passing on a boat-bridge. In the church office there are beautiful works of Tiziano and Tintoretto.

Cà Rezzonico
Now site of the Settecento Veneziano Museum, it's one of the biggest palaces on the Canal Grande. The first floor has been built by Baldassarre Longhena in 1649 fir the Bon family; the second floor was completed in 1750 for the Rezzonico family. Olther than interesting frescoes by Tiepolo, you can admire some rooms with their original 18th century furniture.

Campo S. Margherita
It's the centre of the social life of the sestiere, marketplace and meeting place.

S. Sebastiano church
Re-built from 1505 and 1548, is decorated by painting and frescoes of Paolo Veronese, who lays to rest in the inside. There are also works of Tiziano.

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