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Sestiere Castello

The whole east side of Venice is occupied by the sestiere of Castello, the wider sestiere of the city. Here there is the Arsenale, where the ships were constructed, and the Public Gardens, wanted by Napoleone.

Basilica dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo
This cathedral has been built by Dominican monks from 1246 to 1430, and from that time it was the church used for the funerals of the Dogi. In the inside there are many monuments dedicated to the Dogi, as Vendramin, Corner, Mocenigo, Marcello.

Riva degli Schiavoni
It's a street which joins S. Marco with the Gardens. From here you have a very beautiful view of the sea.

Public gardens
Realized by Antonio Selva during Napoleonic time, they are very big and beautiful. Here there are also numerous garden sculptures.

It's a big complex of shipyards, stocks and workshops for the construction of ships.

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